Assessment of the landfills mining potential in inactive landfills in the state of São Paulo, Brazil



Like in most developing countries, landfilling and open dumping are Brazil’s most common waste disposal methods. Besides the waste disposal sites in operation, most municipalities still have old dumpsites and uncontrolled landfills which received municipal solid waste in the past. This scenario leads to several issues, such as environmental pollution and degradation, the need to perform the correct final closure of inactive areas, and the growing limitation for waste disposal areas over the years. Considering the presented issues, the extraction, processing, treatment, and recovery of landfilled materials, defined as landfill mining, emerges as a promising strategy to address the increasing shortage of landfill capacity and to reduce or postpone costs related to final closure. The present study aims to assess the landfill mining potential in nine inactive dumpsites and uncontrolled landfills in the State of São Paulo, Brazil, to identify the challenges and opportunities for the development of landfill mining projects in an integrated approach, focusing on resource recovery and site remediation strategies. The evaluation of inactive landfills in the state of São Paulo indicated that there is potential for the application of landfill mining for the recovery of materials and energy from these areas, as well as to allow the recovery of the areas in which the landfills are inserted and reduce the pressure in opening new waste disposal sites. However, several challenges were identified for landfill mining to be developed in Brazil, requiring the establishment of technical, political, and socioeconomic strategies to make this practice possible in the country.


GUIMARÃES, Camila Camolesi; BARBOSA, Alexandre Muselli; BEZERRA, Emanoel dos Santos; PEREIRA, Geovanna Paulino; GUIRELI NETTO, Leonides. Assessment of the landfills mining potential in inactive landfills in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. In: INTERNACIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON WASTER MANAGEMENT AND SUSTAINABLE LANDFILLING, 19., 2023, Santa Margherita di Pula, Italy. Proceedings…  14p.

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