In a world in which vehicles of higher energy efficiency have constantly been pursued, the development of multi-material structures can be extremely interesting as far as structural weight reduction and the mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions are concerned. This paper evaluates basic mechanical properties of vehicular structural joints between commercial grades aluminium alloys and grade steels. These joints were produced by either riveting or adhesive bonding techniques, currently used as standard procedures in the automotive industry. Five types of joints were studied: three were adhesively bonded and two were riveted. For each joint, basic mechanical properties were measured via tensile and fatigue tests. The tensile tests of the riveted joints have shown that the failure has constantly occurred associated to the fracture at the rivets, whereas for the adhesively bonded joints a cohesive fracture has always occurred regardless of the characteristics of the joint. The data from the fatigue tests could be well fitted to Wöhler S-N curves, so that fatigue limits for all joints could be obtained. Thus, this technology research has shown the feasibility of using adhesive bonding and riveting techniques to successfully join multi-material structures to be used in the automotive industry.
DANNIGER, Leonardo Rodrigues; GONÇALVES, Marcelo; BRAGA, Ana Paola Villalva. Study of the mechanical properties of some structural aluminium-steel joints. In: INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM OF AUTOMOTIVE ENGINEERING, 30., 2023, São Paulo. Proceedings… 8 p.
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DANNIGER, Leonardo Rodrigues; GONÇALVES, Marcelo; BRAGA, Ana Paola Villalva. Study of the mechanical properties of some structural aluminium-steel joints. In: INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM OF AUTOMOTIVE ENGINEERING, 30., 2023, São Paulo. Lectures… 13 slides.
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