Corrosion in mujltiphase-flow pipelines



O&G production corrosion challenges are not static phenomena. Fluid characteristics change over time, making systems less predictive for corrosion mitigation programs. Thus, methods based on technology and management can be considered corrosion prevention solutions. Even though few studies of oil/water/gas mixtures in multiphase-flow (MF) conditions are found in the literature. Most published works study only water and gas-phase multiphase flowing. In this research, the study of the corrosion in MF loops goes through the challenge of manufacturing the corrosion loop. This leads to the interaction with other research groups allowing a fruitful interchange and permitting the loop construction with a low-cost investment. The results of the tests performed using the constructed MF-flow loop led to conflicting observations about the effect of flow on the corrosion process. It was observed that API 5L X80 carbon steel presented a higher corrosion intensity in CO2- containing environments with concavities on the surface of the specimens which was attributed to the combined effect of hydrodynamics and the corrosion-erosion process. Additionally, the corrosion intensity with heavy oil (HO) was unexpectedly much more severe than in the presence of light oil (LO), mainly at the horizontal position. After the tests with light and heavy oil, a change in the characteristics of the oils was observed, indicating the formation of emulsions that deserved attention in understanding the influence of emulsions on the corrosion process. The analysis and understanding of the research results contribute to a better prediction of the impacts of corrosion on the O&G industry seen in terms of its effect on both capital and operational expenditures (CAPEX and OPEX) and on the control of health, safety and environment (HSE).


SILVA, Carlos Alberto da; PANOSSIAN, Zehbour. Corrosion in mujltiphase-flow pipelines. In: LATINCORR & INTERCORR 2023, Rio de Janeiro. Proceedings…  7 p.

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