Simplified procedure for estimating the acoustic performance over time of floating subfloors in terms of impact noise by the induced creep method


Within the context of subfloor systems performance concerning the impact noise, there is a concern with the behavior of these systems over time, since the creep suffered by the resilient materials that compose these systems can affect their acoustic performance. The method for evaluating this behavior is the determination of creep. Other researchers proposed a correlation between the mentioned method and the determination of compressibility method, such that, this last-mentioned method can be considered an induced creep, as well as a method that allows estimating the acoustic performance of these materials after ten years, from the resonant frequency and induced creep results. Based on this method, this work objective was to develop a simplified procedure to estimate the acoustic performance of resilient materials projected for after ten years under compression. Fourteen samples of resilient materials found in the Brazilian market were covered. A correlation was verified between the resonance frequency and the thickness of the material after application of the load of 2 kPa and application and removal of the load of 48 kPa. With this, two equations were proposed that make it possible, for preliminary analysis, eliminate the step of applying the additional load of 48 kPa, which originally requires a large apparatus.

PIRES, Henrique Lima; IKEDA, Cristina Yukari Kawakita; AQUILINO, Marcelo de Mello; AKUTSU, Maria. Simplified procedure for estimating the acoustic performance over time of floating subfloors in terms of impact noise by the induced creep method. In: CONGRESSO IBEROAMERICANO DE ACÚSTICA, 12.; ENCONTRO DA SOCIEDADE BRASILEIRA DE ACÚSTICA, 29., 2022, Florianópolis. Anais… 11 p.

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