Combining mager and steinmetz: the effect of grain size and maximum induction on hysteresis energy loss


Twelve samples with different grain sizes were prepared by normal grain growth and by primary recrystallization, and the hysteresis dissipated energy was measured by a quasi-static method. Results showed a linear relation between hysteresis energy loss and the inverse of grain size, which is here called Mager’s law, for maximum inductions from 0.6 to 1.5 T, and a Steinmetz power law relation between hysteresis loss and maximum induction for all samples. The combined effect is better described by a Mager’s law where the coefficients follow Steinmetz law.

RODRIGUES JUNIOR., Daniel Luiz; SILVEIRA, João Ricardo Filipini da; LANDGRAF, Fernando José Gomes. Combining mager and steinmetz: the effect of grain size and maximum induction on hysteresis energy loss. IEEE Transaction on Magnetics, v.47, n.9, p.2179-2183, 2011.

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