A novel design for a primary measurement standard for the quantity torque


Primary standards are established using a reference measurement procedure. Through the realization of the definition of a given quantity they provide traceability in the metrology chain. Most torque standards use calibrated weights linked to a lever arm to provide known torques in the rotational axis of the device. These standards do not succeed to provide continuous torque values because of limitation in weights combination and the intrinsic incremental steps of the technique. In automatic machines this can be overcome but it requires a complex mechanical system to operate. In designs that use movable weights along the lever arm the determination of the length of the lever arm is a large source of errors. Zeroing the torque standard also represents a major problem. An innovative and functional design that aims to solve the aforementioned disadvantages is presented.

TACCOLA, Gregory Müller. LEÃO, Rodrigo Junqueira. A novel design for a primary measurement standard for the quantity torque. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE METROLOGIA, 8., 2015, Bento Gonçalves. Anais… 4 p.

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TACCOLA, Gregory Müller; LEÃO, Rodrigo Junqueira. A novel design for a primary measurement standard for the quantity torque. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, v.733, 2016.

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