Sismicidade da Região Sul do Brasil obtida com dados da Estação SP7 (AHE Salto Pilão, SC)


The Salto Pilão Hydroeletric Complex is located in the Itajaí-Açu river, Ibirama/Lontras country, SC, and includes a reservoir with 3 m average depth and 0.15 km² area, a tunnel with 7,7 m x 7,8 m x 6,6 km (impounded in September, 2009) and a Power Plant in Apiúna county, SC. The area covers sedimentary rocks of the Paraná basin and igneous/metamorphic rocks of the Mantiqueira Province. Seismological monitoring started in December 12, 2007 with the station SP7 (digital, 3-component, short-period). In these four years no event directly related with the Salto Pilão Complex was detected. Three small natural local microearthquakes were detected in the area. In addition, one case of local landslide was also detected. Monitoring with SP7 station allowed detection of 15 local earthquakes with distances between 20 and 15 km, and 21 earthquakes at regional distances (150-300Km), as well as contribute to studies of ten other larger earthquakes in SE and Central Brazil.

RIBOTTA, L.C.; MOREIRA, L.D.; SANTOS, D.A.R.; CRUZ, R.; BARBOSA, J.R. Sismicidade da Região Sul do Brasil obtida com dados da Estação SP7 (AHE Salto Pilão, SC). In: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE GEOFÍSICA, 5., 2012, Salvador. Anais… São Paulo: SBGf, 2012. 6p.

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