Aspectos para a gestão estratégica das águas subterrâneas.


This paper presents the strategic importance of groundwater as a source for human consumption. It is presents the precautions to be adopted for the sustainable use of strategic groundwater resources. Therefore, it presents the proposal of guidelines for the rational use of groundwater sources, as well as discussing about the model of integrated management of surface water with groundwater.

ALBUQUERQUE FILHO, José Luiz; BARBOSA, Marina Costa; AZEVEDO, Sérgio Gouveia de; CARVALHO, Ana Maciel de. Aspectos para a gestão estratégica das águas subterrâneas. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE ÁGUAS SUBTERRÂNEAS, 17., 2012, Bonito. Anais…. São Paulo: ABAS, 2012. 4p.

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