Levantamento de informações hidrogeológicas para a elaboração do PRAD conceitual, visando à recuperação ambiental das áreas da CBCA em Criciúma, SC.



In order to support the PRAD (Plan for Recovery of Degraded Areas) conceptual with hydrogeological information in several areas of abandoned mining and processing of coal, in the southestern of Santa Catarina State, especially in the old area of CBCA (Brazilian Company of Araranguá coal), the CPRM/SBG (Research Company of Mineral Resources/Brazilian Geologycal Survey) with the support of the IPT (Institute for Research and Technology) searched for a data series in order to give a diagnosis of the current situation area for the flow of underground water and signs of contamination, due to inadequate deposition of tailings pile. For this purpose we identify the main aquifer system and hidrostratigrafical units, conducted a survey of existing wells that could be used, drilling and doing chemical analysis in water samples of 20 piezometers, interpretations of the results and considerations on the actual extent of the impacts of mining coal in the area. At conclusion, there were identified some contaminated areas, particulary due to Toatal Iron and pH, even were barring the contaminants, probably spread over a large system of faults/fractures resulting in preferential paths.

GENARO, Daniele Tokunaga; ALBUQUERQUE FILHO, José Luiz; NASCIMENTO, Flavia Maria de Fátima; INVERNIZZI, André Luis; BARRETO, Ana Beatriz da Cunha; SOUZA, Adriana Gomes de; CAPELETTI, Irineu. Levantamento de informações hidrogeológicas para a elaboração do PRAD conceitual, visando à recuperação ambiental das áreas da CBCA em Criciúma, SC. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE ÁGUAS SUBTERRÂNEAS, 17., 2012, Bonito. Anais… São Paulo: ABAS, 2012. 4p.

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