Aeronautical technology

The partnership among Embraer, Institute for Technological Research (IPT) and Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa e Inovação Industrial (Embrapii), signed at the inauguration of the Lightweight Structures Laboratory (LEL) in May 2014, is yielding results related to the manufacturing of the aeronautical structures.

The first phase of the project executed at IPT’s laboratory was an analysis of the properties of the material (prepreg carbon fiber) to be used in the final structure.
Preparation of representative panel for the curing process
Preparation of representative panel for the curing process
Subsequently, it was developed the structural segment to be evaluated, and identified the regions that would have their mechanical characteristics evaluated through the manufacture and testing of representative panels.

The first representative panel was completed on October 5th including both the skin and the stringers. The process used to join the skin too the stringers was cocuring in which the parts are cured together in the autoclave, resulting in a single part that does not require any subsequent joining process.

To assure the geometry of the stringers alternative approaches were evaluated, including the use of inflatable mandrels supplied by Rubbercraft. The result was satisfactory. This was the first time inflatable mandrels have been used in Brazil.

“The project was funded by Embrapii, an initiative whose objective is the increase in technological capabilities and innovation capacity of Brazilian industry,” according to Hugo Borelli Resende, director of LEL.

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