Monorail track inspection with the use of drones



The use of drones has become popular around the world with the most diverse applications, from topographic surveys, land verification, to inspections of special works of art and building facades. A recurring difficulty in monorail lines is the lack of access to the structures of the permanent track to carry out inspections, and even in monorails that have metal walkways, there is this difficulty on the face of the structures opposite the walkways. Even carrying out inspections using the walkway, or with the use of road inspection vehicles, only allows them to be carried out outside of operating hours, usually at night, which makes it difficult to properly check. In this way, the possibility of using drones for visual and thermal inspection on the tracks of the monorails of Lines 15 – Silver and 17 – Gold of the São Paulo Metro was evaluated in order to verify pathological manifestations such as detachments, cracks, and deviations of fixation on the finger plates, with an evaluation of the difficulties observed in the process such as the useful time of the drone, its interactions with the electromagnetic interference of the rails and eventual power grids, visual interference caused by the emergency walkways, as well as the possibilities of application and some differences observed in the tests carried out on the two monorails.


CAVALHIERI, Caio Pompeu; SANTOS, José Antonio dos; SILVA, Eduardo Moreira da; SZMIDKE, Rodolfo. Monorail track inspection with the use of drones. In: ANUAL CONFERENCE MONORAILEX, 2024, Neumark/Sengenthal. Proceedings… 18 p.

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