In this chapter, we analyze how the flight paths of RPA surveys and the presence/absence of ground control points (GCPs) will impact the surface reconstruction of a stable landslide in southeastern Brazil. We compare the SfM-MVS results from two surveys (2019/2021). The 2019 flight consists of a simple grid pattern, without GCPs. In the 2021 campaign, four flights (two simple grids and two cross-grids) were deployed. The data were processed as individual flights as well as a combination of the two simple grids and two cross-grids. The combination of the simple grids resulted in the most complete DSM. The DSM from the combined cross-grids had fewer voids than those from the simple grids but with the downside of requiring two flights. Our results indicate that one simple grid flight will be enough to produce a good reconstruction of the surface, with a short processing time.
GROHAMANN, Carlos Henrique; GARCIA, Guilherme P.B.; VIANA, Camila Duelis; DIAS, Helen Cristina; GRAMANI, Marcelo Fischer; SANTOS, Luiz Fernando dos Santos; SOUSA, Amanda Mendes de; SOARES, Lucas Pedrosa; COELHO, Rebeca Durço. Landslide 3D reconstructuin and monitoring using oblique and nadiral drone aerial imagery. In: SANDRIC, Ionut; ILINCA, Viorel; CHITU, Zenaida. Earth observation applications to landslide mapping, monitoring and modeling: curring-edge approaches with artificial intelligence, aerial and satellite imagery. Oxford: Elsevier, 2024. Capt.8, p. 199-214.
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