Ethanol charge stratification in direct injection spark ignition engines



This article shows the results obtained during the work carried out on a dynamometric bench where was install a 2.0- litre engine with a total displacement, supercharged and equipped with gasoline direct injection. The main aim of this work is to verify the feasibility of applying charge stratification using ethanol as fuel. Stable engine operating conditions in homogeneous and stratified charge modes, either with the use of gasoline, either with the use of ethanol, were found and explored. By varying parameter values such as relative air-to-fuel ratio (lambda-λ), fuel injection pressure, position of the intake manifold flaps, speed and torque, it was sought to detect changes in the engine’s global efficiency. The effect of multiple partial injections (split) also was explored. A new electronic control unit – ECU, developed for this purpose, was used and, so, the obtained results to the engine running at low loads in several speeds shows a considerable potential to the ethanol application as fuel, including significant rises in engine´s global efficiency.


PEREIRA, Bruno Silva; TRIELLI, Maurício Assumpção; DENIZ JUNIOR, Jachson; MOSCARDINI, Demerson; RAVAI, Fernando Fusco; UEHARA, Samantha. Ethanol charge stratification in direct injection spark ignition engines. In: SIMPÓSIO INTERNACIONAL DE ENGENHARIA AUTOMOTIVA, 31., 2024, São Paulo. Anais…  9p.

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