Effect of pulse frequency on additive manufacturing by DED-GTA of AISI 308L SS



This work aims to evaluate the behavior of AISI 308L stainless steel, applied in additive manufacturing by direct energy deposition (DED) with the GTA (TIG) process, to fnd the limits of using this material as a manufacturing technique. The AISI 308L is an austenitic steel with extensive applications across various industrial sectors, particularly in the chemical, food, and biomedical industries. Due to its resistance to ductile–brittle transition, it is widely utilized in cryogenic temperature working conditions. The welding equipment and the test specimen were instrumented for analysis of welding process parameters and evaluation of heat transfer in the material as a function of pulse frequency (0 Hz—conventional GTA, 100 Hz, 1 kHz, and 10 kHz) to determine its infuence on ferrite morphology and printability in each test specimen. Under these conditions, the sample was characterized by optical and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and backscattered electron difraction (EBSD) to evaluate the direction of solidifcation by the deposited layer. The results showed that a pulse frequency of 100 Hz reduced the volumetric fraction of ferrite and exhibited the best printability. Furthermore, samples prepared using the pulse frequency showed higher printability values than samples without pulsation, and samples with 10 kHz showed an increase in the formation of acicular ferrite.


CARVALHO, Jeferson José de; BRANDI, Sérgio Duarte; CASANOVA, Jaime; ARRUDA, Nicollas Freitas de; CENTENO, Dany Michell Andrade; MONLEVADE, Eduardo Franco de; BOTTONE, Alex Camilli. Effect of pulse frequency on additive manufacturing by DED-GTA of AISI 308L SS. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, v.133, p.4171–4193, Jul., 2024.

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