Sugarcene biorefinery: unlocking the potential of the pyrolytic process to convert waste biomasses into value-added products



The sugarcane industry generates significant amounts of waste, such as bagasse (SCB) and sugarcane straw (SCS), which can be reused as raw materials to produce a wide range of renewable chemicals. This study, employing an approach that integrates kinetic studies and comprehensive product characterization, assessed the potential of pyrolysis to convert SCB and SCS into high-value-added inputs. Kinetic analysis revealed average activation energies (Ea) of ~139 kJ mol− 1 and ~166 kJ mol− 1 for SCB and SCS pyrolysis, respectively. Thermodynamic analysis, with ΔH values close to those of Ea, indicates low potential energy barriers and high viability of pyrolysis to recover bioenergy from the studied biomasses, as shown by ΔG values > 170 kJ mol− 1 . SCB and SCS pyrolysis mainly produced pyrolytic liquids (58–63 wt%), with monomers, dimers, and trimers derived from lignin and holocellulose as main constituents. GC/MS analysis of the bio-oil revealed the predominance of phenolic compounds and sugar derivatives. These findings indicate that SCB and SCS generate pyrolytic liquids with similar compositions, suggesting potential as renewable industrial chemicals. This study highlights the possibility of expanding the sugarcane industry’s product portfolio through sustainable management of these wastes.


MARTINS, Tarcísio; SÁ, Mirele Santana de; SILVA, Wenes Ramos; SCHMITT, Caroline Carriel; MOREIRA, Renata; RAFFELT, Klaus; DAHMEN, WISNIEWSKI JUNIOR, Alberto. Sugarcene biorefinery: unlocking the potential of the pyrolytic process to convert waste biomasses into value-added products. Energy Conversion and Management, v.318, 118913, 2024.

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