Impact on pollution emissions of the flow measurement uncertainties in real drive enission meters



Vehicle emissions have received a lot of attention in recent years due to their impact on climate change and air quality in large cities. As a result, efforts have been directed towards reducing vehicle pollutant emissions by regulating them, updating existing standards, and implementing technological improvements in the equipment used for emission assessment and measurement. In this regard, advancements have been made in improving the meters used in real drive emissions (RDE) of vehicles. One of the main measurements for the emissions evaluation is the exhaust flow and this study aims to evaluate the flow measurement uncertainties impact on the actual emissions of motor vehicles. It seeks to propagate the uncertainty of real-time meters to the regulated objective and assess the actual impact of these measurement uncertainties on CO2 emission outcomes. Two assessments were considered: in the first step, all the uncertainties considered were based on regulation limits or on data from literature; in the second stage, the uncertainty of the gas flow was based on experimental data from calibration of the Pitot tube, and the others were based on regulation limits or on data from literature. Both conditions lead to a similar conclusion: that Pitot measurement principle meets the requirements stated on the regulation, and an overall accuracy of 7.5% is reasonable.


SILVA, Felipe Jaloretto da; DELLAROZA, Danilo Gomes; OSTAPIUK, Igor Faust. Impact on pollution emissions of the flow measurement uncertainties in real drive enission meters. In: SIMPÓSIO INTERNACIONAL DE ENGENHARIA AUTOMOTIVA, 31., 2024, São Paulo. Anais…  7 p.

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