Using blast furnace slag from iron ore “green briquete” on cemens: part 2: physical-mechanical characterization



Green briquette is an iron ore agglomerate produced by cold agglomeration process for use as metallic burden in blast furnaces and direct reduction reactors, creating flexibility for the steel market. This product benefits CO2 reduction at mining and steel mills. The presence of sodium in the composition of the green briquette and, therefore, in the slag motivated the study. This work presents the characterization of slag cements produced by adding high sodium blast furnaces slags. Chemical analysis and mineralogical characterization are presented in Part 1 of this Congress. The physical-mechanical and rheological characterizations of the cements and mortars were made after the addition of slag in common Portland cement and through tests to determine the setting times, axial compressive strength, flexural tensile, dimensional variation, mitigation of the expansion of the alkali-aggregate reaction and rheological tests. The physical, rheological and mechanical parameters indicate the feasibility of application as a supplementary cement material without significant alteration in the evaluated properties.


SANTOS, R.F.C.; MENEZES,; LONGHI, M.; PIMENTA, F.V.; REENDE,; PARREIRA, F.V.; CHOTOLI, Fabiano F. Using blast furnace slag from iron ore “green briquete” on cemens: part 2: physical-mechanical characterization. In: INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON THE CHEMISTRY OF CEMENT, 16., 2023, Bangkok. Pôster… 1 slide.

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