Green briquette is an iron ore agglomerate produced by cold agglomeration process for use as metallic burden in blast furnaces and direct reduction reactors, creating flexibility for the steel market. This product benefits CO2 reduction at mining and steel mills. The presence of sodium in the composition of the green briquette, and, therefore, in the slag motivated the study. This work compares the characterization of high sodium blast furnace slags by using “green briquette” on the metallic burden with a reference slag. Chemical analysis, X-ray diffraction and reactivity and/or hydration analysis were applied in slags and slag cements characterization. The combination of various characterization techniques represents an effective contribution to understand the behavior of these slags and the cements made from it and show producers that the high sodium blast furnace slag can be used on the ordinary slag cement, without any additional quality control from the currently applied by cement manufacturers and users.
CHOTOLI, Fabiano F.; MENEZES, M.F.L. de; LONGHI, M.; PIMENTA, F.V.; RESENDE, V.G.de; PARREIRA, F.V.; SANTOS, R.F.C. Using blast furmace slag drom iron ore “green briquete” on cements; part 1: chemical and mineralogical characterization. In: INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON THE CHEMISTRY OF CEMENT, 16., 2023, Bangkok. Proceedings… 5p.
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