This article examines the effects of charge, engine speed, ignition timing, and air-fuel ratio on the temperature of exhaust gases when using biogas as fuel. The effects of varying engine operating conditions on exhaust gas temperature are analyzed. The article discusses whether increasing engine charge and engine speed leads to higher exhaust gas temperatures, and whether adjusting ignition timing and air-fuel ratio has a more complex effect on temperature. Detailed analyses are presented to conclude that optimal ignition timing and air-fuel ratio can lead to reduced exhaust gas temperatures and improved engine.
SILVA, Marcos Henrique Carvalho; MAGGIO, André Vinícius Oliveira; LAGANÁ, Armando Antônio Maria; JUSTO FILHO, João Francisco; MAGALDI, Felipe Costa Figueiredo; MOSCARDINI, Demerson, PEREIRA, Bruno Silva. Estimation of exhaust gas temperature for biogás engine. In: SIMPÓSIO INTERNACIONAL DE ENGENHARIA, 30., 2023, São Paulo. Anais… 5p.
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