This article examines the impact of the air-fuel ratio, measured by lambda probe, and the ignition timing on the indicated efficiency of an internal combustion engine using biogas as fuel. Through analysis, it’s seen that the indicated efficiency increases as the air-fuel ratio leans towards a stoichiometric value, and as the ignition timing advances towards the top dead center. The study presents analysis results in the form of graphs. The potential benefits of using biogas as a renewable energy source are highlighted, given its lower carbon footprint compared to fossil fuels. The findings of this article provide valuable insights for the development of efficient and sustainable engines powered by biogas.
SILVA, Marcos Henrique Carvalho; MAGGIO, André Vinícius Oliveira; LAGANÁ, Armando Antônio Maria; JUSTO FILHO, João Francisco; MAGALDI, Felipe Costa Figueiredo; MOSCARDINI, Demerson, PEREIRA, Bruno Silva. Analysis of the impact on ignition timing anda ir-fuel ratio on indicated efficiency fpr biogás engines. In: SIMPÓSIO INTERNACIONAL DE ENGENHARIA, 30., 2023, São Paulo. Anais… 7p.
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