3D printing mortar and concrete: advancement and application of laboratory test protocol to evaluate properties physicochemical and mechanical



3D Printing (3DP) has garnered significant attention in the past decade and is still regarded as a disruptive
Additive Manufacturing technology, often associated with the concept of Industry 4.0. 3DP involves the
manufacturing process of depositing successive layers of a specific material until it takes the shape of a
3D product. The most groundbreaking aspects of this manufacturing process pertain to the properties of
the mixture used for printing, which must possess certain characteristics. For instance, it should flow
smoothly from the inside to the outside of the print head and solidify almost immediately after leaving the head, allowing it to receive another layer of material without significant deformation. This technology has started to be explored and gain commercial visibility in the construction industry, particularly in the
utilization of mortar and concrete. Researchers in the field are investigating various mortar and concrete
mixtures to create new 3D printed products with different mechanical properties and specific dimensions,
by leveraging the physicochemical properties of the raw materials suitable for 3D printing. To gain expertise in applying mortars and concretes for 3D printing, it is recommended to develop protocols that
involve routines for using mixtures in their fresh state and determining the supportive properties of the
cementitious material. This study presents data on the physical and mechanical properties of cement
mortar with partial clay additions, which have the potential for use in 3D printing (3DP). The aim is to
comprehend the phenomena involved in the consolidation of paste and mortar mixtures for 3DP. The
inclusion of gray clay in this study significantly enhanced the 3D printing process when the clay was
mixed in a 5% ratio with the mixture. Finally, the squeeze-flow test method enabled the establishment of
a minimum extrudable profile for the cementitious material, considering the 3D printer utilized.


SANTOS, Alexandre Cordeiro dos; CHOTOLI, Fabiano Ferreira; QUARCIONI, Valdecir Angelo. 3D printing mortar and concrete: advancement and application of laboratory test protocol to evaluate properties physicochemical and mechanical. In: INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON THE CHEMISTRY OF CEMENT, 16., 2023, Bangkok. Proceedings… 5p.

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