New strategy for cutback protection with pipe coating integration



The pipe coating process follows a strict protocol in order to guarantee efficient mechanical and corrosive protection to pipes for onshore and offshore applications. However, its extremities must be exposed in order to enable its installation, making these regions sensitive to effects of the environment, mainly in tropical environments or when exposed for long periods of time. To overcome, many protection methods were created to mitigate this deterioration of pipe ends, but they always presuppose the need of previously exposed cutback. The solution discussed in this article seeks an alternative to commercially used methods, proposing an integrated protection to the coating process. By using the coating itself as a pipe end protection, the need of brushing is avoided and it provides an already worked surface for applying a new layer of coating after welding, reducing rework. This article presents its general characteristics and evidence of potential use.


BATALHA, Mario Henrique Fernandes; MONTEIRO, Murilo Costa; RABELO, Bertrando Ribeiro; ALBINO, Leandro Aparecido da Silva. New strategy for cutback protection with pipe coating integration. In: RIO PIPELINE CONFERENCE & EXHIBITION, 2023, Rio de Janeiro. Proceedings… 8p. 

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