A flexible pipe/riser is constructed using a polymer sealant that contains the density fluid,
multiple helical layers that give the pipe the necessary strength and an outer polymeric layer
that prevents its contact with seawater. This configuration allows greater flexibility than rigid
risers with the same pressure capacity [1]. One of the layers of the flexible pipe is the tensile
reinforcement, which is composed of two or four layers of metallic wires that provide axial
resistance when the pipe is subjected to internal or external pressure. They are bent in
opposite directions to generate torsional resistance. National Petroleum Agency, ANP,
reported the occurrence of stress corrosion in a flexible gas injection pipeline in its second
year of operation, despite having 20 years of lifespan. The failure occurred due to the entry of
water and CO2 into the annular space [2]. The main objective of this work is to address the
SCC-CO2 in a carbon steel wire of flexible pipeline, considering the variation of loading
PIMENTEL, Tarcisio Henrique C.; SILVA, Carlos Alberto da; NEVES, David Rodrigues das; SANTOS, Fabricio; BAPTISTA, Ilson Palmieri; SOUZA, José Adailson de; PANOSSIAN, Zehbour. Evaluation of test methodologies for assessing SCC-CO2 in flexible pipes. In: LATINCORR & INTERCORR 2023, Rio de Janeiro. Proceedings… 4 p.
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