COB-2023-1228: riverbed effect influence in a river Debris removal solution floating barrier



The Tietê River is located in São Paulo, Brazil, and is home to Small Hydroelectric Power Plants, despite the severe pollution. To prevent the debris to reach the equipment, the Metropolitan Water and Energy Company (EMAE) and the Institute for Technological Research (IPT) developed an active barrier to capture debris, which includes modular floating barriers called trash boom lines. The loads on these barriers are affected by different operational and environmental conditions, such as the current velocity and the line arrangement and mooring, resulting in a complex non-linear system and, since the water level changes, the distance from the water surface to the riverbed plays an essential factor in the hydrodynamic resistance. Using ANSYS Fluent to investigate the riverbed effect on the trash boom at different current velocities and incident angles and its impact on normal and lateral loads. The simulations revealed that the normal force component acting on the module is significantly affected by the riverbed height, reaching up to 2.5 times in the lesser height condition tested (3.5 m) in comparison to the deepest condition (15 m). The result shows that the riverbed height need to be considered during the dimensionalization of the trash boom lines loads.


QUEIROZ, Patrick Donegá; KOGISHI, André Mitsuo; CASTRO, Felipe Santos de; DANTAS, João Lucas Dozzi. COB-2023-1228: riverbed effect influence in a river Debris removal solution floating barrier. In: INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, 27., 2023, Florianópolis. Proceedings… 10 p.

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