Application of digital technologies in landslide prediction, mapping, and monitoring



This paper presents a scoping review on the use of digital technologies for predicting, mapping, or continuously monitoring landslides on natural slopes. Articles and reviews published between 2001 and 2023 indexed by Scopus (Elsevier) were selected. The results showed that the number of publications involving this theme has been growing every year, with two periods of prominence: 2008-2010 and 2015-2021. China, Italy, India, USA and Taiwan are the five countries that published the most on the subject during the studied period. It was also found that remote sensing tools were the most used and showed strong stability, accompanied by artificial intelligence tools. Digital sensors have been widely used in Early Warning Systems, composing Wireless Sensors Network, monitoring terrain or climate variables. There is no doubt that digital technologies are extremely advantageous in relation to traditional technologies and that they already present themselves as a solution and confirm their trend of future.


ARAÚJO, Gabriel Rayskson Matos Brasil; CORSI, Alessandra Cristina; MACEDO, Eduardo Soares de; FUTAI, Marcos Massao. Application of digital Technologies in landslide prediction, mapping, and monitoring. Soils and Rocks, v.46, n.4, 1-9, 2023

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