Investigation of termo-formed piezoelectret acceleromerter under different electrodynamic vibration conditions



Accelerometers are essential sensors utilized across various industry applications. They enable precise measurement of acceleration, tilt, and motion, facilitating advancements in fields, such as biomechanics, healthcare monitoring, automotive safety, and consumer electronics. With their versatile functionality, accelerometers play a crucial role in enhancing human safety, improving performance, and driving innovation in modern technology. The demand for new accelerometer technologies led to the use of piezoelectrets as the main sensing element. Piezoelectrets are advanced materials with unique structure and properties, similar to piezoelectric polymers but with enhanced performance due to their cellular microstructure. With promising applications in energy harvesting, sensing, biomedical devices, and acoustics, their remarkable efficiency and flexibility make them particularly appealing for compact and versatile transducers and actuators. Due to their abilities, piezoelectrets have been employed in the development of accelerometers for monitoring electrodynamic vibrations. Different designs have been proposed and, in this paper, the concept of an enclosed seismic mass superposing a sensing element is used together with an open tubular channel thermo-formed piezoelectret. The recently enhanced piezoelectret accelerometer, only analyzed in a custom-made workbench, is tested in this paper in a standard electrodynamic vibration setup at frequencies ranging from 50 Hz up to 1 kHz. The results from both custom-made and standard systems are presented for a much better understanding of this type of accelerometer.


SOARES, Nazareno Soare; ALTAFIM, Ruy Alberto Corrêa; ALTAFIM, Ruy Alberto Pisani; TOKORO, Mario Masahiro. Investigation of termo-formed piezoelectret acceleromerter under different electrodynamic vibration conditions. In: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ADVANCES IN SENSORES, ACTUATORS, METERING AND SENSING, ALLSENSORS, 9., 2024, Barcelona. Proceedings… Espanha: IARIA, 2024. p.32-37.

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