Methodologies for mobility assessment and LNAPL partitioning



LNAPL (Light Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid) in subsurface environment presents challenges due to the soil heterogeneity of the environment and the diversity of conditions existing on the management of environmental liabilities, with its removal being limited at sites that have low hydraulic conductivity and transmissivity, with low efficiency of conventional remedial methods, therefore requiring permanence and coexistence with the product on site subsurface. In this situation, it is necessary to evaluate potential risks to human health of on-site and off-site receptors, The main objective of this work is to propose two testing methodologies for the determination and evaluation, of the product retention curve in soil and partitioning tests for the dissolved and vapor phases. It is expected that the results to support the defense of the application of these methods, on evaluating the existence of a real risk to human health and the remedial/management action.


PILLON, Maiara; GONZALEZ, Ana Paula Nigro; OLIVEIRA, Fabio Fernandes de; SATO, Rafael. Methodologies for mobility assessment and LNAPL partitioning. In: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON REMEDIATION OF CHLORINATED AND RECALCITRANT COMPOUND, 13., 2024, Denver, Colorado. Proceedings… 4p.  

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