Bridge and viaduct inspections and major observed anomalies


The bridges and viaducts, named in technical terms as Special Works of Art, are engineering works of extreme importance for the economic and social development of the country. These works are subject to all kinds of environmental action, natural wear and accidental loading during their lives. Due to this, it is important to manage inspection and maintenance activities in the structures to promote their proper conservation. In the inspections is made the survey of the existing anomalies in the structures and indication of the treatments to be performed by the maintenance. Considering the importance of the management of inspection activities, this work aimed to present an overview of the most common anomalies observed in the work of inspections, related to structural components of bridges and viaducts.

ARAUJO, Ciro José Ribeiro Villela MORAES, José Theophilo Leme de; OLIVEIRA, Ivanisio de Lima. Inspeção em pontes e viadutos e as principais anomalias observadas. In: CONGRESSO INTERNACIONAL DE PATOLOGIA E REABILITAÇÃO DE ESTRUTURAS, 13., 2017, Cariri. Anais… 16 p.

ARAUJO, Ciro José Ribeiro Villela. MORAES, José Theóphilo Leme de; OLIVEIRA, Ivanisio de Lima . Inspeções e viadutos e as principais anomalias observadas. In: MARINHO, Jefferson Luiz Alves; COELHO, Francisco Carvalho de Arruda. Manifestações patológicas e reabilitações de estruturas; contribuições relevantes para a melhoria da qualidade e durabilidade das estruturas. Curitiba: Ed. Íthala, 2018. p.99-116.

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