How can R&D projects help municipal solid waste management?: a case study in Bertioga, São Paulo, Brazil

Brazilian municipalities are responsible for handling and solving the municipal solid waste (MSW) problem by organizing their management system. Unfortunately, most of the municipalities do not have the necessary technical infrastructure to meet the legal guideline on solid waste. To support technological advances in MSW management, the State of São Paulo Institute for Technological Research (IPT) started a R&D project to develop a technological platform organized in four interconnected modules for treating MSW, including programs to improve separate collection and to assess technologies for MSW separation and treatment. The 24-month project started in November 2015. The technological platform designed by IPT is structured into 4 modules and is based on the design thinking approach. In order to acess its applicability, a municipality located in Baixada Santista, on the State of São Paulo coast, was chosen as a case study. Bertioga is a city of 55,000 inhabitants, and its actual MSW system is similar to the conditions of most of the Brazilian municipalities. Related to the first module of the technological platform, the main activities in development are: diagnosis and development of the intervention program. In parallel, the details of the plants for waste sorting and treatment are being constructed. The first results of this project indicate that R&D projets can optimize the current MSW programs by identifying their limitations and opportunities. The technical knowledge of experts can support the MSW planning and selection of technologies based on technical criteria.

TEIXEIRA, Cláudia Echevenguá; MACEDO, Letícia dos Santos; ARDUIN, Rachel Horta; MANÉO, Fernanda Peixoto; GUIMARÃES, Camila Camolesi; LEITE, Daniel Carlos. How can R&D projects help municipal solid waste management?: a case study in Bertioga, São Paulo, Brazil. In: INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON ENERGY FROM BIOMASS AND WASTE, 6., 2016, Venice, Italy. Proceedings… 7 p. 

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