Guidelines for the deployment of product-related environmental legislation into requirements for the product development process


Environmental legislation is increasingly changing its focus from end-of-pipe approaches to a life cycle perspective. Therefore, manufacturing companies are increasingly identifying the need of deploying and incorporating product-related environmental requirements into the product development process. This paper presents twelve guidelines, clustered into three groups, to support companies in the identification, analysis and deployment of product requirements from product-related environmental legislation

FERRAZ, Mariana; PIGOSSO, Daniela C. A.; TEIXEIRA, Cláudia Echevenguá; ROZENFELD, Henrique. Guidelines for the deployment of product-related environmental legislation into requirements for the product development process. In: SYMPOSIUM ON ENVIRONMENTALLY CONSCIOUS DESIGN AND INVERSE MANUFACTURING, 8., 2013, Jeju Island. Proceedings… 6 p.

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