In this paper, the Ground Penetrating Radar method (GPR) was used to investigate the structure of a small bridge in order to characterize the typology of the bridge. The objectives of the work were to determine the thickness of the asphalt above the concrete, to investigate whether reinforcement bars were present and if that was the case, to determine the thickness of concrete covering of those bars. The results showed the efficacy of the GPR method for the present application.
GALLI, Vicente Luiz; GUIRARDI, Daniel Mariani. GPR aplicado na investigação da estrutura de um pontilhão. In: CONGRESSO INTERNATIONAL DE GEOFÍSICA, 15., 2017, Rio de Janeiro. Anais… 4p.
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In this paper, the Ground Penetrating Radar method (GPR) was used to investigate the structure of a small bridge in order to characterize the typology of the bridge. The objectives of the work were to determine the thickness of the asphalt above the concrete, to investigate whether reinforcement bars were present and if that was the case, to determine the thickness of concrete covering of those bars. The results showed the efficacy of the GPR method for the present application.
GALLI, Vicente Luiz; GUIRARDI, Daniel Mariani. GPR aplicado na investigação da estrutura de um pontilhão. In: CONGRESSO INTERNATIONAL DE GEOFÍSICA, 15., 2017, Rio de Janeiro. Anais… 4p.
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