Função ambiental das áreas de preservação permanentes no contexto do licenciamento ambiental de diferentes empreendimentos


Analysis of Permanent Preservation Areas (APPs) is important for the design of the technological alternatives and locational to the project related to environmental licensing procedures and environmental impact assessment. In APPs is not allowed interventions which result in negative impacts of its environmental functions, except in cases of public utility, social interest or low environmental impact. This work aims to present a methodology developed for environmental assessment of different study cases in Brazil with direct or indirect influence in APP and its environmental functions. The first step is a comprehension of the concept about the protected area (APP) considering legal scope and the technical and scientific literature available. Subsequently, we analyze environmental functions established in Forest Code for better understanding the ecological role of APP and the changes that could happen. Finally, recommendations are indicated, considering the legislation, the importance of the environmental functions and the direct and indirect impacts that may occur in the region affected. The case studies highlight the importance of understanding the regional context, the concept, the specific environmental functions and indicators for the environmental assessment and to define locational or technology alternatives. It follows that a simple and direct analysis of APP without law elements may result in inappropriate interventions APPs reflecting the efficiency of environmental licensing procedures.
IKEMATSU, Priscila; BITAR, Omar Yazbek; LONGO, Mariana Hortelani Carneseca; CAMPOS, Sofia Julia Alves Macedo; FERREIRA, Andre Luiz. Função ambiental das áreas de preservação permanentes no contexto do licenciamento ambiental de diferentes empreendimentos. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE AVALIAÇÃO DE IMPACTO, 3., 2016, Ribeirão Preto. Anais…. 7 p. 

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