Evaluations of the depth of a root-pile and a caisson foundations using the parallel seismic test


Lack of knowledge on the depth of a foundation element is a problem impairing the retrofit of existing Civil Engineering structures. Non-destructive Geophysical methods may be cost-effective tools for assessing the depth of foundation elements in a viable manner. This paper presents the results obtained with a seismic test of recent application in Brazil, the Parallel Seismic (PS) test, for evaluation of the depths of foundation elements belonging to two telecommunication towers located in São Paulo, Brazil. The towers were of the self-supporting type. For one of the towers, the foundation consisted of eight 25-cm diameter root piles, whereas for the other, consisted of a 230-cm diameter caisson. In the first case, the soil was a sandy clay, and for the second case, a micaceous clayey-sandy silt. The obtained wave signals for each case are presented, and considerations related to site preparation and signal acquisition are discussed. Once the estimated depths were compared to the as-built documentation, it was possible to verify that the evaluations based on the interpretation of the PS tests carried out at the sites were very satisfactory in terms of estimating the correct depths for the foundation elements tested.

SOUZA, Tiago de Jesus; HEMSI, Paulo Scarano; GANDOLFO, Otávio Coaracy Brasil; AOKI, Paulo Cezar. Evaluations of the depth of a root-pile and a caisson foundations using the parallel seismic test. In: CONFERÊNCIA GEOTÉCNICA CANADENSE – GeoOttawa, 70, 2017, Ottawa. Anais… 7 p.

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