This paper presents the results of a seismic test f recent application in Brazil, called parallel seismic. This test is intended to determine the maximum depth of a foundation element. It application has been tested on a large diameter caisson foundation and the results were very satisfactory.
GANDOLFO, Otávio Coaracy Brasil; SOUZA, Tiago de Jesus; AOKI, Paulo; HEMSI, Paulo Scarano . Evaluation of unknown foundation depth using parallel seismic (PS) test: a case study. In: INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF THE BRAZILIAN GEOPHYSICAL SOCIETY, 14., 2015, Rio de Janeiro. Proceedings… 5 p.
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This paper presents the results of a seismic test f recent application in Brazil, called parallel seismic. This test is intended to determine the maximum depth of a foundation element. It application has been tested on a large diameter caisson foundation and the results were very satisfactory.
GANDOLFO, Otávio Coaracy Brasil; SOUZA, Tiago de Jesus; AOKI, Paulo; HEMSI, Paulo Scarano . Evaluation of unknown foundation depth using parallel seismic (PS) test: a case study. In: INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF THE BRAZILIAN GEOPHYSICAL SOCIETY, 14., 2015, Rio de Janeiro. Proceedings… 5 p.
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