Estudo de caso de metodologia de hierarquização de sub-bacias quanto à capacidade de produção de sedimentos na Bacia Hidrográfica do Rio Itaúnas


The watershed of the Itaúnas river, covering an area of approximately 4,500 km², comprising 8 municipalities and an estimated population of 250,000 inhabitants, faces serious problems caused by poor management of its water resources for instance silting and reducing of agricultural area due to linear erosions. This paper presents a case study applying a methodology developed by IPT more than two decades ago and improved by Falcetta et. al (2017) with the use of a hydrological parameter (stream density) aiming to achieve greater differentiation regarding to hydric erosion sediment production and, thus, providing an assessment tool to basins committee in order to prioritize control and recovery actions in linear erosions. By combining the results presented in this paper with detailed field data analysis such as granulometric analysis of soil and recent land use data, it would be possible to use the developments of this paper as an instrument of water resources management, ensuring better targeting of water use revenues.

FALCETTA, Filipe Antonio Marques; HELLMEISTER JUNIOR, Zeno; PLETSCH, Talita Aparecida. Estudo de caso de metodologia de hierarquização de sub-bacias quanto à capacidade de produção de sedimentos na Bacia Hidrográfica do Rio Itaúnas. In: ENCONTRO NACIONAL DE ENGENHARIA DE SEDIMENTOS, Hidrossedimentologia no contexto nexo para uma sociedade sustentável, 13., 2018, Vitória. Anais… 8 p.

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