For the problems perception inherent in the indiscriminate solid waste generation and effectiveness of its management, it’s believed to be crucial the realization of studies on population participation on municipal solid waste (MSW) management actions, being few studies about analyze how the population deals with its solid waste from generation to dispose. This study aims to investigate how to effectively measure social participation in MSW management. Through literature about population and waste generation in the city of Bertioga , this study developed a data collection instrument in questionnaire format, containing 57 questions related to how citizens generate and dispose of their waste, being the same applied for the teams of Bertioga prefecture and the Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnológicas do Estado de São Paulo, responsible for the project in which this study is developed. As a result it is considered that the developed instrument was effective in analyzing the various aspects related to the generation and management of waste by residents and can be used in future research to help in the definition of population intervention strategies and improvements in manageme nt systems and waste management.
For the problems perception inherent in the indiscriminate solid waste generation and effectiveness of its management, it’s believed to be crucial the realization of studies on population participation on municipal solid waste (MSW) management actions, being few studies about analyze how the population deals with its solid waste from generation to dispose. This study aims to investigate how to effectively measure social participation in MSW management. Through literature about population and waste generation in the city of Bertioga , this study developed a data collection instrument in questionnaire format, containing 57 questions related to how citizens generate and dispose of their waste, being the same applied for the teams of Bertioga prefecture and the Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnológicas do Estado de São Paulo, responsible for the project in which this study is developed. As a result it is considered that the developed instrument was effective in analyzing the various aspects related to the generation and management of waste by residents and can be used in future research to help in the definition of population intervention strategies and improvements in manageme nt systems and waste management.
ARAUJO, Natália Aparecida Braconaro de; RIBEIRO, Andreza Portella; TEIXEIRA, Cláudia Echevenguá; MACEDO, Letícia dos Santos. Elaboração de instrumento de coleta de dados para análise da participação social no manejo de resíduos sólidos urbanos. In: SIMPÓSIO INTERNACIONAL DE GESTÃO DE PROJETOS, INOVAÇÃO E SUSTENTABILIDADE, 5., 2016, São Paulo. Proceedings… 7 p.
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