Diagnóstico de inundação na área urbana dos municípios do Estado de São Paulo


Flood processes have a significant occurrence in the State of São Paulo. Numerous municipalities have developed their urban networks along rivers and with the consolidation and expansion of these areas, several communities are at risk. The disorderly and accelerated urban growth increases the consequences of these processes, expanding the social and material losses. Of the 645 municipalities in the State of São Paulo, 334 were identified with the occurrence of flooding processes in urban areas, representing approximately 52% of the total. Once more, the occurrence of this process is associated with the absence of territorial planning which takes into account and respect the limitations of the physical environment, especially geomorphology.

ALMEIDA FILHO, Gerson Salviano de; CORSI, Alessandra Cristina; HELENO, Aline Fernandes. Diagnóstico de inundação na área urbana dos municípios do Estado de São Paulo. In: CONGRESSO DA SOCIEDADE DE ANÁLISE DE RISCO LATINO AMERICANA, 3., 2016, São Paulo. Anais… São Paulo: ABGE, 2016. 7 p.

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