Desenvolvimento de equipamento para remoção de sólidos e descarte da primeira chuva


The use of rainwater in urban environments requires the use of a minimal system of treatment that allows the adequacy of the quality of water abstracted user needs. This processing system consists minimally by a system for disposal of first rain water and a water filtration system, responsible for segregation of the portion of water which drags the accumulated pollutants in the air and on surfaces where the catchment water drains before being captured and solids that can eventually be dragged even after the initial disposal. There is on the market a range of equipment that allow the filtration of water, but no commercial equipment for the disposal of water from the first rain. In this paper we present a design of equipment that connects the disposal of water from the first rains a filtration system of coarse solids. The development system was based on the possibility of its utilization in existing buildings so as to provide ease in installation and use. The evaluation of a prototype laboratory equipment indicated in amounts of hydraulic utilization efficiency above 90% for all flow rates tested and its proper functioning as the first separation of water and filtering system used.

CILENTO, Francisco Cordeiro; ZANELLA, Luciano; ALVES, Wolney Castilho. Desenvolvimento de equipamento para remoção de sólidos e descarte da primeira chuva. In: SIMPÓSIO LUSO-BRASILEIRO DE ENGENHARIA SANITÁRIA E AMBIENTAL, 15., 2012, Belo Horizonte. Anais… Belo Horizonte: ABES, APESB, Associação Portuguesa dos Recursos Hídricos, 2012. 8p.

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