Contribuições para a elaboração de termos de referência de pacueras de hidrelétricas


The disordered occupation of the surroundings of artificial reservoirs has brought concern to the hydropower industry and others interested in the multiple uses of this water. Among the instruments focused on environmental conservation of artificial reservoirs, the Environmental Plan for the Conservation and Use of the Surroundings of Artificial Reservoirs – Pacuera, established by Conama Resolution nº 302/02, stands out. However, due to its complexities, this instrument has been incipiently approached under the environmental licensing of hydropower projects. Thus, the present work seeks to contextualize the Pacuera and contribute to the preparation of Terms of Reference, through a review of literature on the main issues and the gathering and analysis of Work Plans, Terms of Reference and Pacueras available in environmental agencies. The results indicate that the implementation of the Pacuera has been shown impaired mainly by difficulties in the delineation of the area covered by the Plan; lack of rules and standards to govern the use and occupation of the surroundings of reservoirs; uncertainty about the responsibility of the stakeholders involved; and difficulties in the zoning implementation of the surrounding. As a contribution, there are subjects to be included in Terms of Reference; the need for linkage between the stakeholders involved and the establishment of mechanisms for the implementation and administration of the Plan; and proposals for the delimitation of their areas of coverage.

SOBRAL, Fernanda Amaral Dantas; BITAR, Omar Yazbek. Contribuições para a elaboração de termos de referência de pacueras de hidrelétricas. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE AVALIAÇÃO DE IMPACTO AMBIENTAL, 2., 2014, Ouro Preto. Anais… São Paulo: ABAI, 2014. 6 p.

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