Contribuição da geofísica no estudo de processos erosivos a jusante de barragens: o caso de Porto Primavera


This article presents an example of application of geophysical methods in the study of sedimentary processes acting downstream of dams, taking as an example the study developed by IPT – Institute for Technological Research of São Paulo at the request of CESP – Companhia Energetica do Estado de São Paulo, Paraná River, downstream from the Porto Primavera Dam. Hundreds of kilometers of bathymetric profiles, continuous seismic profiling and sonography were performed on the area between the dam and the mouth of the Rio Paranapanema. The interpretation of the data obtained (in progress) enables the characterization of the bottom surface with respect to the presence of sedimentary structures, sand banks, rocky outcrops, as well as the present conformation of the contours of the river margins and the main islands in this area of the Paraná river, stating, when compared to pre-existing data, the evolution of sedimentary processes acting from the establishment of the dam. Through seismic profiling was still possible to characterize, in some sections, the thickness of sands bodies. The example in focus in this article clearly shows the importance of the use of geophysical methods in studies of changes in river dynamics from deployment dams, either by the nature of the data, or the coverage itself of the surveys, which ultimately offer an excellent cost-benefit ratio.

SOUZA, Luiz Antonio Pereira de; SILVA, Mariucha da; SIQUEIRA, Alessandra Gonçalves; AZEVEDO, Adalberto Aurélio; DUARTE, Heraldo. Contribuição da geofísica no estudo de processos erosivos a jusante de barragens: o caso de Porto Primavera. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE GEOLOGIA DE ENGENHARIA E AMBIENTAL, 14., 2013, Rio de Janeiro. Anais… São Paulo: ABGE, 2013. 10p.

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