More than 400 samples of silicatic rocks from different regions of Brazil were submitted to technological characterization. The characterization covered physical and mechanical properties and was conducted in accordance to Brazilian and international standards. Descriptive statistics analysis was carried out in the test results showing the expected behavior in accordance to the petrographical types and, in most of the cases, in agreement to the results of previous studies that used smaller universe of samples than in the present study.
FRAZÂO, Ely Borges; DOZZI, Lúcia de Fátima Silveira; QUEIRÓZ, Fábio Conrado de. Características tecnológicas de algumas rochas silicatadas utilizadas como revestimento. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE GEOLOGIA E ENGENHARIA AMBIENTAL, 14., 2013, Rio de Janeiro. Anais… São Paulo: SBG, 2013.. 9 p.
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More than 400 samples of silicatic rocks from different regions of Brazil were submitted to technological characterization. The characterization covered physical and mechanical properties and was conducted in accordance to Brazilian and international standards. Descriptive statistics analysis was carried out in the test results showing the expected behavior in accordance to the petrographical types and, in most of the cases, in agreement to the results of previous studies that used smaller universe of samples than in the present study.
FRAZÂO, Ely Borges; DOZZI, Lúcia de Fátima Silveira; QUEIRÓZ, Fábio Conrado de. Características tecnológicas de algumas rochas silicatadas utilizadas como revestimento. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE GEOLOGIA E ENGENHARIA AMBIENTAL, 14., 2013, Rio de Janeiro. Anais… São Paulo: SBG, 2013.. 9 p.
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