The use of Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) presents itself as a possibility to reduce anthropogenic impacts on water cycles caused by urbanization. SbN imitates natural activities in order to improve water quality and quantity. Phytoremediation is a SbN that promotes soil and water remediation, and its operation is based on the interaction of plants and microorganisms in the soil roots. Margin Filtration filters waters, acting as an ecosystem service for aquifers. This work presents a preliminary characterization of the experiment area that will be conducted, in pilot scale, at the Horto Florestal de Bauru (SP), to evaluate the efficiency of SbN in nitrate removal from groundwater. The experiment area shows hydrochemical potential for phytoremediation, with oxidizing characteristics (DO 1.18 mg L-1 and ORP > 0) and acid pH (4.74), besides a large biodiversity of native species widely studied for phytoremediation. The work will consist of the following stages: evaluation of the area’s background; implementation of injection and irrigation systems for contaminated water; and monitoring of natural attenuation in the saturated (multilevel wells) and unsaturated (tensiometers and suction lysimeters) zones. The collected data will be analyzed by descriptive statistical tools. The contributions of the evaluation of the efficiency and potential of SbN in contaminated groundwater aquifers will allow improvements in groundwater quality and in the management and availability of water in urban areas.
OLIVEIRA, Vinicius Rogel Paulino de; PRANDINI, Matheus K.; BERTOLO, Reginaldo A.; TAVARES, Tatiana Luiz dos Santos; IKEMATSU, Priscila; HIRATA, Ricardo. Avaliação de soluções baseadas na natureza para remediação de aquífero urbano contaminado por nutrientes. In: SIMPÓSIO NACIONAL DE MECÂNICA DOS FLUIDOS E HIDRAULICA, 1., 2022, Ouro Preto. Anais...
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https://escriba.ipt.br/pdf_ restrito/177932.pdf
The use of Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) presents itself as a possibility to reduce anthropogenic impacts on water cycles caused by urbanization. SbN imitates natural activities in order to improve water quality and quantity. Phytoremediation is a SbN that promotes soil and water remediation, and its operation is based on the interaction of plants and microorganisms in the soil roots. Margin Filtration filters waters, acting as an ecosystem service for aquifers. This work presents a preliminary characterization of the experiment area that will be conducted, in pilot scale, at the Horto Florestal de Bauru (SP), to evaluate the efficiency of SbN in nitrate removal from groundwater. The experiment area shows hydrochemical potential for phytoremediation, with oxidizing characteristics (DO 1.18 mg L-1 and ORP > 0) and acid pH (4.74), besides a large biodiversity of native species widely studied for phytoremediation. The work will consist of the following stages: evaluation of the area’s background; implementation of injection and irrigation systems for contaminated water; and monitoring of natural attenuation in the saturated (multilevel wells) and unsaturated (tensiometers and suction lysimeters) zones. The collected data will be analyzed by descriptive statistical tools. The contributions of the evaluation of the efficiency and potential of SbN in contaminated groundwater aquifers will allow improvements in groundwater quality and in the management and availability of water in urban areas.
OLIVEIRA, Vinicius Rogel Paulino de; PRANDINI, Matheus K.; BERTOLO, Reginaldo A.; TAVARES, Tatiana Luiz dos Santos; IKEMATSU, Priscila; HIRATA, Ricardo. Avaliação de soluções baseadas na natureza para remediação de aquífero urbano contaminado por nutrientes. In: SIMPÓSIO NACIONAL DE MECÂNICA DOS FLUIDOS E HIDRAULICA, 1., 2022, Ouro Preto. Anais...
Document with restricted access. Log in to BiblioInfo Biblioteca-DAIT/IPT to access the full text in PDF:
https://escriba.ipt.br/pdf_ restrito/177932.pdf