Organophilic synthetic stevensite-Zn: synthesis and characterization, an alternative simple method


Organophilic clays are used as components in petroleum fluids, lubricants, paints, adhesives, cosmetics, and others. This requires products that are increasingly pure with homogeneous properties, which are hardly found in natural clays. Synthetic clays can thus be a solution. For this, it is necessary to explore techniques for their production. The main focus of this study was to synthesize a smectite clay in a simple, fast, and economic way at a low temperature and pressure. To regulate the pH of the reaction and bring it closer to the ideal synthesis conditions, two different acids were used: nitric acid (the most widely used in the literature) and hydrochloric acid (more accessible and cheaper). Organostevensite was obtained by the direct incorporation of quarternary salt in synthetic stevensite using a semi-dry, fast, economic, and ecological method compared to that used in industry. The results showed characteristics of a uniform crystalline material with a porous structure similar to that of the smectite group. SEM. Stevensite clay was obtained by both synthesis methods using two different acids; the method using hydrochloric acid stood out, observed small particle sizes of approximately 100 nm. The greater practicality of its development provides a more viable option for large-scale industrial production.

CARVALHO, Thamyres; NEVES, Roberto; HILDEBRANDO, Edemarino; PAIVA, Lucilene Betega de; VALENZUELA-DIAZ, Francisco R. Organophilic synthetic stevensite-Zn: synthesis and characterization, an alternative simple method. Minerals, v.12, n.12, 1568, 11p., dec., 2022.

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