Instrumentação de escorregamento simulado em laboratório com acelerômetros visando o desenvolvimento de sistemas de alerta de desastres antecipado


Landslide early warning systems are based on soil variables monitoring, such as displacement. The main goal of an early warning system is to predict slope rupture moment, as it can reduce human and material losses. One way to estimate the failure moment is when the inverse of velocity it’s approximately zero. Because displacement can happen very close to the rupture moment, it’s important to use high resolution monitoring sensors, like accelerometers. In this research, accelerometers were used to monitor a slope built in a landslide simulation flume. A data processing procedure was developed to analyzed acceleration data and to estimate velocity from it. In this paper, results from a wet landslide experiment simulation are presented. Results show that accelerometers are likely to be used to detect pre-failure signals.

OTERO, Malena D’Elia; ABREU, Ana Elisa Silva de; MACEDO, Eduardo Soares, GUIMARÃES, Marcela Penha Pereira; CORSI, Alessandra Cristina; ASKARINEJAD, Amin. Instrumentação de escorregamento simulado em laboratório com acelerômetros visando o desenvolvimento de sistemas de alerta de desastres antecipado. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE GEOLOGIA DE ENGENHARIA E AMBIENTAL, 17., 2022, Belo Horizonte. Anais… 10p.

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