The occurrence of accelerated erosion events associated with the implementation of transport systems is a major environmental problems faced by the Brazilian utilities. Erosive features of linear and laminar type are observed both along the platform, in the section sand embankments, and outside in boxes loan areas explored deposits, at the foot of embankments and downstream of the works of Transposition. In addition to understanding the interactions between conditioning factors of erosion, it is necessary to study separately each factor with enough detail to understand how, where and why erosion occurs. Among these factors, topographic attributes or characteristics of the slopes are among a number of factors controlling the distribution of erosion. In this context, by the use of geospatial tools and technologies and non-parametric statistical measures of association, this article presents an analysis of the relationship between different types of erosion (classified according to their own characteristics and degrees of severity) and their respective values of slope and hypsometry the slopes, which are located. The area of interest is restricted to the analysis and records of erosion diagnosed in the stretch that connects the cities of Mairinque (SP) and Botucatu (SP), totaling a path of about 176 km. The comparison of the results allowed to evaluate the importance of the spatial variable in the problem treated. The analysis of non-parametric statistical tests showed that there is a statistically significant association between variables. On the other hand, GIS techniques and the use of spatial information, in spite of not providing a statistical value – that allows to infer the association between the variables analyzed, allowed the observation of the spatial distribution of the phenomena of erosion along the stretch of the railroad, indicating that such behavior not clearly indicates significant association between the types of processes and topographical characteristics considered.
SOUZA, Natália da Costa; GIANOTTI, Mariana Abrantes; LAROCCA, Ana Paula Camargo; QUITANILHA, José Alberto; ALMEIDA FILHO, Gerson Salviano de. Análise da associação entre características topográficas e tipos de ocorrências de processos erosivos ao longo de linha férrea: estudo de caso: Malha Paulista – All (SP). BCG – Boletim de Ciências Geodésicas, v.20, n.4, 2014. (versão on-line)
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The occurrence of accelerated erosion events associated with the implementation of transport systems is a major environmental problems faced by the Brazilian utilities. Erosive features of linear and laminar type are observed both along the platform, in the section sand embankments, and outside in boxes loan areas explored deposits, at the foot of embankments and downstream of the works of Transposition. In addition to understanding the interactions between conditioning factors of erosion, it is necessary to study separately each factor with enough detail to understand how, where and why erosion occurs. Among these factors, topographic attributes or characteristics of the slopes are among a number of factors controlling the distribution of erosion. In this context, by the use of geospatial tools and technologies and non-parametric statistical measures of association, this article presents an analysis of the relationship between different types of erosion (classified according to their own characteristics and degrees of severity) and their respective values of slope and hypsometry the slopes, which are located. The area of interest is restricted to the analysis and records of erosion diagnosed in the stretch that connects the cities of Mairinque (SP) and Botucatu (SP), totaling a path of about 176 km. The comparison of the results allowed to evaluate the importance of the spatial variable in the problem treated. The analysis of non-parametric statistical tests showed that there is a statistically significant association between variables. On the other hand, GIS techniques and the use of spatial information, in spite of not providing a statistical value – that allows to infer the association between the variables analyzed, allowed the observation of the spatial distribution of the phenomena of erosion along the stretch of the railroad, indicating that such behavior not clearly indicates significant association between the types of processes and topographical characteristics considered.
SOUZA, Natália da Costa; GIANOTTI, Mariana Abrantes; LAROCCA, Ana Paula Camargo; QUITANILHA, José Alberto; ALMEIDA FILHO, Gerson Salviano de. Análise da associação entre características topográficas e tipos de ocorrências de processos erosivos ao longo de linha férrea: estudo de caso: Malha Paulista – All (SP). BCG – Boletim de Ciências Geodésicas, v.20, n.4, 2014. (versão on-line)
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