The Brazilian interconnected power system (BIPS) consists of a linked network of over 150 medium and large reservoirs, and a large set of small hydropower, thermal and wind power plants. In Brazil, hydropower has been the predominant source of electrical energy supply. HIDROTERM is a nonlinear programming (NLP) optimization model previously developed for planning the operation of the Brazilian hydrothermal system considering individual hydropower plants. The objective function is to minimize the expected value of the sum of costs of additional thermal dispatch, exchanges, and deficits. Data for running the model are provided by the National Electrical System Operator (ONS), but are originally intended for the NEWAVE model, which uses the dynamic programming (PD) technique with aggregation of reservoirs in a small number of subsystems. This paper presents examples of particularities and inconsistencies observed in the data about the hydropower plants of the BIPS, their impacts on the results for planning the operation and considerations on how to adequately represent the individual hydropower plants in a model such as HIDROTERM.
ZAMBON, Renato C.; FALCETTA, Filipe Antônio Marques. Particularidades na representação individualizada de usinas hidrelétricas do sistema interligado nacional. In: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE RECURSOS HÍDRICOS, 23., 2019, Foz do Iguaçu. Anais... 10 p.
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The Brazilian interconnected power system (BIPS) consists of a linked network of over 150 medium and large reservoirs, and a large set of small hydropower, thermal and wind power plants. In Brazil, hydropower has been the predominant source of electrical energy supply. HIDROTERM is a nonlinear programming (NLP) optimization model previously developed for planning the operation of the Brazilian hydrothermal system considering individual hydropower plants. The objective function is to minimize the expected value of the sum of costs of additional thermal dispatch, exchanges, and deficits. Data for running the model are provided by the National Electrical System Operator (ONS), but are originally intended for the NEWAVE model, which uses the dynamic programming (PD) technique with aggregation of reservoirs in a small number of subsystems. This paper presents examples of particularities and inconsistencies observed in the data about the hydropower plants of the BIPS, their impacts on the results for planning the operation and considerations on how to adequately represent the individual hydropower plants in a model such as HIDROTERM.
ZAMBON, Renato C.; FALCETTA, Filipe Antônio Marques. Particularidades na representação individualizada de usinas hidrelétricas do sistema interligado nacional. In: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE RECURSOS HÍDRICOS, 23., 2019, Foz do Iguaçu. Anais... 10 p.
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