Análise teórico e experimental de frequências naturais de viga engastada-livre considerando os métodos de resolução exata / analítica e matriaical


This article presents and compares the first four fundamental frequencies of a crimped-free beam, when calculated by the exact / analytical and matrix methods, after the discretization of the bar in up to eight finite elements. In the matrix analysis, the mass matrices of the finite element were varied, taking into account the Consistent Mass Matrix, Lumped with Rotation and HRZ (Lumped Massa Diagonal – Hilton, Rock and Zienkiewicz). The same method of calculation was performed with commercial software and later analysis of the type of mass matrix used by the software. In addition, a laboratory test was performed, with the installation of accelerometer and LVDT at the end of the beam, so that with these data, the first three modes of flexural vibration modes and the experimental displacements could be compared with the exact / analytical values.

BRESSAN, Diego Lapolli. Análise teórico e experimental de frequências naturais de viga engastada-livre considerando os métodos de resolução exata / analítica e matriaical. In: CONGRESSO DE ENSAIOS E EXPERIMENTAÇÃO EM ENGENHARIA CIVIL, 2., 2019, Porto, Portugal. Anais… 11 p.

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