The need to obtain a high quality concrete, homogeneous, given the physical and mechanical properties specified in the design, allied to the economy of manpower and less runtime motivated the development of self-compacting concrete. The rheological characteristics of the concrete show advantages over conventional concrete on the incorporation of steel fibers as reinforcement, and its use is still limited by the lack of deep knowledge in the subject. Thus, this paper presents a literature review of the characteristics of self-compacting concrete reinforced with steel fibers (SFRSCC) according to their properties in fresh and hardened state, addressing the significant improvement of performance of concrete compared to conventional concrete. For certain applications, these features bring benefits in terms of its pseudo-ductile behavior, among other relevant factors. Presents an analysis of parameters that influence the performance of the material such as density, orientation and segregation of the fibers in planes parallel and perpendicular to the launch, as well as factors that contribute to a better distribution and orientation of fibers within the matrix.
SANTOS, Rafael Francisco Cardoso dos; CASTRO, Alessandra Lorenzetti de. Concreto auto-adensável reforçado com fibras de aço. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DO CONCRETO, 54., 2012, Maceió. Anais… São Paulo: IBRACON, 2012. 9p.
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The need to obtain a high quality concrete, homogeneous, given the physical and mechanical properties specified in the design, allied to the economy of manpower and less runtime motivated the development of self-compacting concrete. The rheological characteristics of the concrete show advantages over conventional concrete on the incorporation of steel fibers as reinforcement, and its use is still limited by the lack of deep knowledge in the subject. Thus, this paper presents a literature review of the characteristics of self-compacting concrete reinforced with steel fibers (SFRSCC) according to their properties in fresh and hardened state, addressing the significant improvement of performance of concrete compared to conventional concrete. For certain applications, these features bring benefits in terms of its pseudo-ductile behavior, among other relevant factors. Presents an analysis of parameters that influence the performance of the material such as density, orientation and segregation of the fibers in planes parallel and perpendicular to the launch, as well as factors that contribute to a better distribution and orientation of fibers within the matrix.
SANTOS, Rafael Francisco Cardoso dos; CASTRO, Alessandra Lorenzetti de. Concreto auto-adensável reforçado com fibras de aço. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DO CONCRETO, 54., 2012, Maceió. Anais… São Paulo: IBRACON, 2012. 9p.
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