Biomass fast pyrolysis as an alternative for biofuel production


Biomass fast pyrolysis is a thermochemical biomass conversion process, which aims to maximize biofuels production, mainly bio-oil, its main product. Bio-oil is a black (or brown) liquid produced from the condensation of pyrolysis vapors. The unstable nature of bio-oil leads to its polymerization and condensation over time. Bio-oil can be used in the chemical industry, in the generation of electricity and in the production of biofuels and, in the later stage, can also be gasified for use in several types of industries. Because of such instability and its tendency towards aging, bio-oil needs to be processed to improve its quality during storage to enable different uses. One of the challenges is to remove the oxygen contained in the biomass to produce compounds of interest such as fuels or chemicals. It should be noted that for the use of some products of commercial interest it is necessary to refine the bio-oil. The upgrading of the bio-oleo allows the obtaining of several products like fertilizers, adhesives, flavorings and fuels. This work was carried out with the objective of compiling data and information on the fast pyrolysis and procedures aimed at improving the quality of bio-oil produced from biomass and agricultural and forest residues. This paper analyses the technical-scientific information on processes aiming to upgrade the quality of bio-oil obtained from biomass fast pyrolysis, in order to define the importance of this upgrade. A literature review was conducted about the biomass fast pyrolysis followed by a detailed analysis of the current stage on the upgrading of the quality of the bio-oil for some applications, including for the generation of energy in isolated areas also from agricultural and forest residues. The results of this work indicate that the future of biomass fast pyrolysis involves developing bio-oil quality improvement research aimed at enabling its use as fuel or other new products for the chemical industry from the chemical components found in bio-oil and in the biomasses that originate it.
It is important to note that bio-oil from biomass and agricultural and forest residues is a renewable source of fuel that can be used in isolated areas for the generation of electric energy and domestic uses. In addition, the biomass fast pyrolysis presents as advantages to produce the bio-oil in small scales facilitating the transport of a denser product energetically, since the improvement of the bio-oil be applicated for a better storage.

SILVA, Ana Paula de Souza; ANATER, Mônica Joelma do Nascimento; COELHO, Suani Teixeira. Biomass fast pyrolysis as an alternative for biofuel production. In: LATIN AMERICA ENERGY ECONOMICS. 7.ELAEE, 2019, Buenos Aires. Proceedings… 11 p.

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