REZENDE, Renato; ABATI, Amanda; VERNE, Júlio; PANOSSIAN, Zehbour. Study of the influence of temperature and time on the electroplating nickel layer in Inconel 718 strips used in spacer grid of pressurized water cooled nuclear reactors (PWR). In: INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR ATLANTIC CONFERENCE – INAC, 8th, 2017, Belo Horizonte. Proceedings… 10p.
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REZENDE, Renato; ABATI, Amanda; VERNE, Júlio; PANOSSIAN, Zehbour. Study of the influence of temperature and time on the electroplating nickel layer in Inconel 718 strips used in spacer grid of pressurized water cooled nuclear reactors (PWR). In: INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR ATLANTIC CONFERENCE – INAC, 8th, 2017, Belo Horizonte. Proceedings… 10p.
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